Hello, please help me out on my macro!
I just started using VBA programming for work and I have a very large macro to write.
The concept is, I have a main master workbook where all the data is collected and then manipulated. I will be collecting the data from two other source workbooks, both in different formats. These source workbooks are going to updated weekly.
PROBLEM: I want to be able to copy columns from one of the source workbooks and paste into the master workbook. However, because this is rather a big and meticulous project, I need to be able to have the user specify the columns (this could be satisfied with searching for the column names, as these would be known) and then to have the user specify which sheet of the master workbook that the selected columns will be pasted.
The code I have is huge and messy and I haven't attempted to run it yet. Its a mixture of me recording a macro and adding in my own code to clean it up. It does not include code to get the user input on what columns to copy (I have no idea how to do that one) but I do have code on how to get a user specified worksheet. I have posted it if people want to take a look, but I will guarantee that it is hard to interpret, mostly because there is a lot of code in there that smart people would have simplified.
More clarification: There will always be multiple columns selected and these will be different each time depending on which sheet is selected to paste them into. The source sheets have hourly&daily electricity meter readings for 50 different buildings. I am making groups of buildings (ex. group1 will have 4 buildings) and giving each group their own sheet in the master workbook (group1 = sheet1, group2 = sheet2, etc.). All the sheets are pre-named.
I hope all of this makes sense. Please help me out, I have already been working on this bad boy for three days straight.