Hi guys

I have truly appreciated all the help I have received on this forum - there has not been one problem I haven't had solved by you! Thank you!

This might be the toughest query to solve. I am working in Excel 2003 and have a database with a userform that a number of users have access to. Each have their own username and password. I would like to make it so that when a authorised username is entered and submitted, it instantly saves and overwrites the file wherever the file is saved.

For example:
- 'GreenHigh' is typed into the login userform and submitted with the commandbutton
- The file (Tracker.xls) is then overwritten and named 'Tracker_GreenHigh.xls'
- The user proceeds to input data into the database
- The user closes the workbook and is prompted to save the changes made to 'Tracker_GreenHigh.xls'
In my mind, this seems fairly straightfoward, although I do wouldn't have a clue how to code something like that. So far, I have been able to muddle my way through VBA by adapting code to my needs.

Can anyone suggest any code that might help me to do this?

If you are able to respond, please could you briefly talk me through what the code is doing.


Christian :)