I need to insert an OLEObject (in this case a pdf file) into a worksheet via a formula entered into a cell.
I have a sub InsertPDF that does the job fine when run by itself. I have a function PDF_Added that calls that sub with no problem if the function is in turn run from another sub. However, I need to make the PDF_Added function run when entered into a cell as =PDF_Added(). This results in this error message: Unable to get the Add property of the OLEObjects class. Can anyone see a way to add an OLEObject to the worksheet via user defined formula?
Any help much appreciated, thanks.
Sub InsertPDF()
Dim pdf As OLEObject
Set pdf = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add( _
fileName:="C:\Documents and Settings\spetty\Desktop\pdf1.pdf", _
Link:=False, _
DisplayAsIcon:=True, _
IconFileName:="C:\WINDOWS\Installer\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-A71000000002}\PDFFile.ico", _
IconIndex:=0, _
End Sub
Function PDF_Added() As Boolean
PDF_Added = False
On Error Resume Next
Call InsertPDF
If Err = 0 Then
PDF_Added = True
Err = 0
End If
End Function