Good afternoon,

I am very confused about personal.xlsb relative to sharing spreadsheets, where procedures are stored for my personal use, for use in spreadsheets I share, and spreadsheets where I don't want the common macros to be available.


I created a function called "lastdatesaved()," stored in personal.xlsb, that don't work on an existing spreadsheet that I just opened. I see the function in Personal.xlbs but no joy when plugging it into the spreadsheet.

I created a spreadsheet with macros to print selected sections of the data. The macros were stored in Personal.xlbs and worked just fine for me. Not so when the file was sent to a friend.

I know I have to unhide personal.xlbs to edit macros but I'm not sure why.

When I record a macro, where is the best place to have it stored?

And how do macros get associated with specific spreadsheets and do not appear in Personal.xlbs?

I would appreciate it if someone could explain (or point me to) how the VBAProject files in VBE relate to procedures stored there.

Please use small words; I'm easily confused! ;-) Thanks for your time.
