Hey all, currently I have been working with a production log here at work for awhile. Im an inventory control Manager for a flour processing mill, so I handle imputting dailiy production totals for the mill every morning. Plant Manager had asked me for the totals of product "X" made in 2011, there was no easy way to do that aside from going through every daily mill report and add them all up.
So what I am looking to do is when I imput "value 1" into a cell, it adds that value to a seperate excel file that I can keep seperate and backed up. Preferably I would like that excel file to include each month on their own sheets with the days included. There are a total of 16 items that I have to maintain inventory on. Here is a forumula I tried using at first "='C:\Users\Corey.Gesell\Desktop\Daily Mill Reports\[DR 10-14-12.xlsx]Sheet1'!$D$28", but I would have to do that for every single cell and it just didnt make sense to do it that way.
Was hoping someone could point me in the right direction or offer some advice, I am pretty familiar with Excel, just havent really gotten into VBA and macros.
Thanks in advance for any help offered!