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Problem solving in VBA

  1. #1
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    Problem solving in VBA

    Hey everybody

    I am trying to do problem solving in VBA by the use of a loop. In the following example it is working quite well (optimization of C by the change in "a" an "b"). The problem occurs because I need a third variable, let's call it d. I try doing the same thing but adding "next d" after "next a" and "next b" (and of course also adding the variable earlier in the code). But apparently the loop function doesn't work when there are three variables - does anybody have an idea of how to fix this?

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  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Problem solving in VBA

    Can you explain in more detail what you mean by "it doesn't work" when you add "d" to the algorithm? Does the code crash? Do you get any error messages? Is it converging on the wrong solution? If it is converging on the wrong solution, what solution is it converging on and can you identify the reason it is choosing that solution?

    If the problem is that it is converging on the wrong solution, you might look real close at the algorithm you are using. In essence, you are adding a 4th dimension to what was a 3D problem, and you'll want to make sure that the overall algorithm you are using extends well into higher dimensions.

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor timtim89's Avatar
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    Re: Problem solving in VBA

    Hey try this one..

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