I have 2 files:
A-TESTI.xlsm <--- Where I keep the certifiactes of material
(3)Material.docx <----- Where I make a report of which materials were used in a specific project.
In my excel file I have column J where I set when I hit the Send&Print it prints out the hyperlink and "hope some day will" send a value to the word document next to 1 so CellRange is 5,2 in the table.
How can I make excel check the next available cell in column 2 of the word table? In this case it should look like this:
1 Something Writen
2 Something Writen
3 Empty
And excel would search somehow for the next empty cell in column 2 of the word table.
I could make an If statment for every cell in column 2 but thats a lot of if's.
Is there some code like for checking the last used cell in a column in excel like:
Can one be made for checking in word? like:
Tables(1).Cell(Column2).End(xlUp) <<<---