Hello, Could you help me please with this code:
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Sub array_numbers()
Dim i As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer, c As Integer, d As Integer, vys As Single
Dim ret As String, my_str As String
Dim array1() As Integer
i = 0
c = 0
d = 0
ret = ""
x = Val(InputBox("type number"))
If x <> 0 Then
ret = ret + Chr(10) + str(x)
End If
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve array1(i)
If x < array1(i) Then
d = d + 1
my_str = my_str + str(x)
End If
array1(i) = x
Loop While x <> 0
MsgBox "Numbers are: " + ret + Chr(10) + "the smallest number is: " + my_str
End Sub
Program: Enter a series of numbers terminated by zero. Determine the smallest and write down how many times in a row repeats
Problems are: When I try my program with StepInto, Redim preserves pole(i) shows "subscript out of range", when i insert variable x to array1 at the end of program then it shows value of array1 properly but when program goes to ReDim preserve array1(i) then value is again 0. Array is still 0 and i canīt determine the smallest number (If x < array1(i) Then).
Sorry my english is bad.