I am trying to write code that will loop through controls in a frame on a userform, find text boxes and if the text box is empty then use a function to add a specified value to an array. I then want to display a message box based on the array showing which text boxes are empty.

I have the follow Sub and Function.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ctrl1 As Control
Dim nTB As Integer
Dim asTB() As String
Dim sTB As String
Dim i As Integer

nTB = 0

    For Each ctrl1 In NewReferral.Frame10.Controls
        If TypeName(ctrl1) = "TextBox" Then

                If ctrl1.Value = "" Then
                    'sTB = WhichTB(ctrl1)
                    nTB = nTB + 1
                    ReDim Preserve asTB(1 To nTB)
                    asTB(nTB) = WhichTB(ctrl1)
                End If
        End If
    Next ctrl1

For i = LBound(asTB) To UBound(asTB)
    msg = msg & asTB(i) & vbNewLine
Next i
MsgBox "the values of my dynamic array are: " & vbNewLine & msg

Unload Me
End Sub
Function WhichTB(TargetTB As Control)
    If TargetTB = Me.TextBox1 Then
        WhichTB = "Sample Text 1"
    End If
    If TargetTB = Me.TextBox2 Then
        WhichTB = "Sample Text 2"
    End If
    If TargetTB = Me.TextBox3 Then
        WhichTB = "Sample Text 3"
    End If
End Function
My problem is that the message box displays the same text for each empty text box. For example, say I leave all 3 text boxes empty. My message box will display:

"the values of my dynamic array are:

Sample Text 3
Sample Text 3
Sample Text 3"

when what I was really looking for is:

"the values of my dynamic array are:

Sample Text 1
Sample Text 2
Sample Text 3"

I am pretty sure that the problem is that the "If" statements in the function reset the value for "WhichTB" on each subsequent encounter of an empty text box. I don't know how to pass discrete values for "WhichTB" back to the Sub and then to the array.

I hope that makes sense.

I appreciate any help.