Hello All,
I am a newbee to the forum and would like some help creating a macro. I have gathered bits and pieces but what I have at the moment makes excel have a spaz attack and crash:P
I would like to create a macro that copies an entire sheet (SCOR) and pastes the data in a new worksheet, this data is currently in a format that is not very user friendly so I would like to clean it up by 1) unmerging the merged cell and put value in all cells 2) Remove all rows that contain '#Break' in column C.
Thankyou for your help
this is what I currently have but it may not be useful:
Sub Data_Dump() ' ' Data_Dump Macro ' ' Sheets("SCOR").Select Cells.Select Selection.Copy Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)) ws.Activate Range("A1").Select ActiveSheet.Paste Dim rng As Range: Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange Dim cell, cell_area As Range For Each cell In rng Select Case cell.MergeCells Case True Set cell_area = cell.MergeArea cell.MergeArea.UnMerge cell_area.Value = cell.Value Set cell_area = Nothing End Select Next cell End Sub