Hello all,
I'm looking to save my excel workbook with a date/time stamp whenever cell B1 equals a 1, which I have working just fine. However I want the original workbook to stay open, not what I had just saved.
Attached is my formula, could someone look at it for me?
'Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
'If [B1] = 1 Then
'Application.Run "sheet1.Save_File"
'End If
'End Sub
'Sub Save_File()
'Dim Today As Date
'Today = Date
'Dim Time As Date
'Time = Now
'If Dir("C:\Documents and Settings\ACO Equipment\Desktop\mike\" & Format(Today, "MM_DD_YYYY_") & Format(Time, "HH_MM_SS") & ".xls") = "" Then
'ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Documents and Settings\mike\Desktop\Age Oven Data\" & Format(Today, "MM_DD_YYYY_") & Format(Time, "HH_MM_SS") & ".xls"
'End If
'End Sub