Hi, this is a complex one to explain but I'll try. (Also hampers googling!)

I have six spreadsheets with names, I need to loop through these spreadsheets in order to clear the contents before I then insert some new data.

I need the [Active_Sheet = "Sheet_" & iSheet] line to transfer the *contents* of the variable (for example: "Sheet_3") to Active_Sheet, rather than the name of the variable it currently does.

Dim Sheet_1 As String
Dim Sheet_2 As String
Dim Sheet_3 As String
Dim Sheet_4 As String
Dim Active_Sheet As String

Sheet_1 = "Monkies"
Sheet_2 = "Bananas"
Sheet_3 = "Sheep"
Sheet_4 = "Dogs"

Do Until iSheet = 6

     Active_Sheet = "Sheet_" & iSheet

    Set Excel_Sheet = Excel_Workbook.Sheets(Active_Sheet)
    Call Clear_Cells(Excel_Sheet)

    iSheet = iSheet + 1
