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Need a Macro to search for text in sheet and copy the matching row to new sheet

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robin_108 Need a Macro to search for... 10-03-2012, 02:10 PM
Bishonen Re: Need a Macro to search... 10-03-2012, 02:43 PM
robin_108 Re: Need a Macro to search... 10-03-2012, 10:25 PM
robin_108 Re: Need a Macro to search... 10-04-2012, 12:25 PM
Bishonen Re: Need a Macro to search... 10-04-2012, 01:35 PM
robin_108 Re: Need a Macro to search... 10-08-2012, 12:59 PM
  1. #1
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    Question Need a Macro to search for text in sheet and copy the matching row to new sheet

    Hi I am New to Excel macro scripting . I need your help to find do a task in excel which i am struggling till now .

    I have excel in which sheet1 & sheet2 contents are as attached in excel

    I want to script which reads the first column of sheet2 until the end of empty cell and then find each cell value against sheet1 and print all rows which has the value of cell to sheet3 . so as per the excel sheet attached say sheet2.A1=luke .I have to find for luke in sheet1 ,Now I find 2nd row and 3rd row has contents of luke and script has to copy the entire matched rows contents to sheet3 . next it has to take sheet2.A2 value "nick" and do the same find operation in sheet and copy the matched row1 and append it sheet3 contents.

    Thanks in Advance.

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  2. #2
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    Re: Need a Macro to search for text in sheet and copy the matching row to new sheet

    do you wish to look for luke, nick and whatever else might reside in the first column of sheet2 in column "F" of the first row? Or should the search take place on the whole sheet? Are we looking for cells that have the exact same content or cells that have the searched phrase within them(like C2 = this is Luke testfile?

  3. #3
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    Re: Need a Macro to search for text in sheet and copy the matching row to new sheet

    Search should happen on the whole sheet1 and the search phrase can be within the cell content like c2 "this is Luke testfile" .

  4. #4
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    Re: Need a Macro to search for text in sheet and copy the matching row to new sheet

    I managed to write the macro on my own but the processing time is more since the records are more.

    Is there a way I can find all the cell adresses for a matched string and set it to a range variable. ?

    suppose If i can see the matched string on cell address A4,A10,A18 can I set a range to "A4,A10,A18" in the macro ? If so how do i set it and what is the syntax .Apologies if you cannot understand my question since i am new to macro terms.

    Thanks in Advance!

  5. #5
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    Re: Need a Macro to search for text in sheet and copy the matching row to new sheet

    here's something that should get you started. Please be aware that the code is far from being optimal.

    It looks for the value "2" in the first column. The address of every cell which contains "2" will be stored in an array (lim). At the end lim is being displayed.

    I'd really love someone to shorten this to the minimum so i could learn a bit too :-)

    Sub Sample()
        Dim oRange As Range, aCell As Range
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Dim ExitLoop As Boolean
        Dim SearchString As String, FoundAt As String, lim() As Variant, i As Integer, k As Integer
        Set ws = Worksheets(1)
        Set oRange = ws.Columns(1)
        i = 0
        k = 0
        SearchString = "2"
        Set aCell = oRange.Find(What:=SearchString, LookIn:=xlValues, _
                    LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
                    MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
        If Not aCell Is Nothing Then
        ReDim lim(0 To 20)
            lim(0) = aCell.Address
            i = i + 1
            Do While ExitLoop = False
                Set aCell = oRange.FindNext(After:=aCell)
                If Not aCell Is Nothing Then
                    If aCell.Address = lim(0) Then Exit Do
                    k = k + 1
                    ReDim Preserve lim(0 To k)
                    lim(i) = aCell.Address
                    i = i + 1
                    ExitLoop = True
                End If
            MsgBox SearchString & " not Found"
        End If
        For i = 0 To UBound(lim)
        MsgBox (lim(i))
    End Sub
    Last edited by Bishonen; 10-04-2012 at 01:38 PM.

  6. #6
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    Re: Need a Macro to search for text in sheet and copy the matching row to new sheet

    Thanks Bishonen !

    "FindNext" did the trick for me . It reduced the time of execution as well I was able to achieve what i was expecting .

    Thanks a lot

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