
I need a small piece of code that search for the word "inactieve".
When he finds that, he has to make that whole row color 35, and place the number "1" in that row in Column (A)
Then he has to go 2 rows up, and make that row also color 35. and also place the number "1" in that row in Column (A).

This piece of code needs to work in a module, so that i can make a macro within a central .xls file and always open that .xls when i need to use the macro on other .xls files.
I know there are easier options for using macro's on other files, like .xla but here at work that isn't an option.

I hope someone can help me.

(I also can't give an example, because it's all stuff from work (private).

- Jessy

If anything is unclear, just ask me for more information!

(Sorry for my poor english)