So I have run into a bit of an issue. I am building a database in Excel (sigh) because my company does not support Access. I have most of it done using VBA but am running into two key problems.

How do I populate a listbox showing the relationship between two sets of data?
How can I use an edit function to create new relationships between those sets of data?

If there is a better way to do this that does not utilize the relationship matrix I would be open to it as well.

Database Structure
Userform - frmUseCase has several functions:

1. Allows review of existing Use Case information. Should also include information on which Business Rules are related to the Use Case being viewed. This second part is where the problem lies.
2. Allows new record entry and editing. This is functional except for tying Business Rules to the new Use Case.

Sheet "Use Case Header" - Contains most of the information including the unique Use Case ID.
Sheet "Business Rules" - Contains individual business rules including the unique Business Rule ID.
Sheet "Relationship Matrix" - Contains the Use Case ID's in column A from A2 down Business Rule ID's in row 1 from B1 over. Where a Use Case and Business Rule relate, an "X" is placed.

Anticipated Outcome
Basically, what I am thinking should happen is that a ListBox on the frmUseCase should:
1) Identify the row where UseCaseID on frmUseCase occurs in column A of Sheet "Relationship Matrix"
2) Identify which columns in the matching row contain an "X"
3) Complie a list of column headers (BusinessRuleID's) where the match occurs
4) Locate rows with matching BusinessRuleID's in Sheet "Business Rules"
5) Display each BusinessRuleID and corresponding row in the userform ListBox as an entry.

Example ListBox
BR1 Description
BR3 Description
BR4 Description
BR5 Description
BR8 Description
BR9 Description