Hi Everyone - I am new to Excel Forum. Here is my question. Basically, I have a UserForm with multiple ListBox. The ListBox value will equal a cell value when it is called, and will also transfer its value to the cell when a command button is clicked (I am not using a control source as I want the user to be able to cancel its entries from the UserForm).

Everything works fine, except when the UserForm is called and a user does not change the listbox value, when hitting the "enter" command button, the listbox value that transfers to the cell is blank, even though when the userform was loaded, the listbox value was set equal to the cell value.

Here is the code for when the userform ok button is clicked.

Private Sub OKButton5_Click()

Range("model_units").Value = Format(model, "#,##0.00")
Range("parking").Value = Format(parking, "#,##0.00")
Range("laundry").Value = Format(laundry, "#,##0.00")
Range("other_1").Value = Format(other1, "#,##0.00")
Range("other_2").Value = Format(other2, "#,##0.00")
Range("other_3").Value = Format(other3, "#,##0.00")

Range("other_rev_meas2").Value = otherrevmeas2.Value
Range("other_rev_meas3").Value = otherrevmeas3.Value
Range("other_rev_meas4").Value = otherrevmeas4.Value
Range("other_rev_meas5").Value = otherrevmeas5.Value
Range("other_rev_meas6").Value = otherrevmeas6.Value

Unload Me

End Sub

And here is the code for when the userform is loaded:

Sub callotherrev()
OtherRevenueAssump.model.Value = Format(Range("model_units"), "#,##0.00")
OtherRevenueAssump.parking.Value = Format(Range("parking"), "#,##0.00")
OtherRevenueAssump.laundry.Value = Format(Range("laundry"), "#,##0.00")
OtherRevenueAssump.other1.Value = Format(Range("other_1"), "#,##0.00")
OtherRevenueAssump.other2.Value = Format(Range("other_2"), "#,##0.00")
OtherRevenueAssump.other3.Value = Format(Range("other_3"), "#,##0.00")

OtherRevenueAssump.otherrevmeas2.Value = Range("other_rev_meas2")
OtherRevenueAssump.otherrevmeas3.Value = Range("other_rev_meas3")
OtherRevenueAssump.otherrevmeas4.Value = Range("other_rev_meas4")
OtherRevenueAssump.otherrevmeas5.Value = Range("other_rev_meas5")
OtherRevenueAssump.otherrevmeas6.Value = Range("other_rev_meas6")


End Sub

Please help!