
I'm new to both this forum / VBA and was hoping someone here could help me.

For a financial model I've been building I followed directions for a scenario generator that essentially runs the model through a number of loops (currently 5) and pastes/inserts the 'results' range on a new worksheet. The model works fine as is, but what I'd rather do instead with it is paste the various scenario result range into specific designated ranges on a single, pre-created summary worksheet. I've been trying to search through this site / others, and have found some 'next row over' code that may work, but in the future I may also want to go down as opposed to just listing my results straight across so I figured I'd give this forum a shot.

Anyways to be specific the results I would like to copy / paste are from a sheet called "Output" and found in the range F10:F30. For each scenario the results here are unique based on about 6 variables that can be changed in the model. I would like to past the results to the following cells in a worksheet titled "Scens Summary": D8:D28, G8:G28, J8:J28, M8:M28, P8:28

The relevant (i think ha) code currently is as follows:

For k = 1 To MaxScens
    Range(Scen1Option) = Scen1Array(k)
    Range(Scen2Option) = Scen2Array(k)
    Range(Scen3Option) = Scen3Array(k)
    Range(Scen4Option) = Scen4Array(k)
    Range(Scen5Option) = Scen5Array(k)
    Range(Scen6Option) = Scen6Array(k)
    Range(Scen7Option) = Scen7Array(k)
    Call SolveLife


Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormats
ActiveSheet.Name = Format("Scen Output" & k)
ActiveSheet.Move After:=Sheets(4 + k)

Application.StatusBar = "Running Scenario: " & Str(k) & "of" & Str(MaxScens)
Next k
Would obviously greatly appreciate any help or advice here, thanks!