I have this problem that is driving me crazy!
row a row b
uk RGB(191, 13, 31)
usa RGB(11, 47, 107)
I have a form with a combobox where there is a list from row a, now with a macro I should change the background of a texbox with the color of row b.
I get the error at thi " TextBox1.BackColor = y"
this is the macro
Private Sub CBcolore_Change() Dim rng As Range Dim z Dim col Dim y x = UserForm1.CBcolore.Value z = Sheets("ELENCHI").Range("B2:B1000") With Sheets("ELENCHI").Range("G1:G10000") Set rng = .Find(What:=x, LookIn:=xlValues) If Not rng Is Nothing Then Application.Goto rng, True ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select y = ActiveCell.Value TextBox1.BackColor = y Exit Sub End If End With end sub
thanks for your help