New scope for this function. What I have the worksheet doing is allowing users to enter names and create sheets based on those names. The rows containing the names they enter on the main worksheet get locked. However, the user can still go back to the main sheet and add rows with names under the locked cells and create sheets again (bypassing locked cells of names already created). So the goal now for this duplicates function is to be able to catch previously appended names. If there's already a Name (2), and the user enters another row with Name, this function changes it to Name (2) and Excel shoots a sheet name error. I'd like it to know that Name (2), Name (3), Name (4), etc. are still duplicates of Name.
One possible solution might be to go through the new list of names and remove any appended text before checking for duplicates, then re-insert the array of values. However, the user may enter names with parenthetical text and numbers, so it could be tricky.