Hi Jake,
I edited your sheet to have the checkbox hide/unhide the rows. See attachment.
This what I've done:
Firstly you have to link the checkbox to a cell (I've choosen the cell rigth above the checkbox just to illustrate, but it can be anay cell on any sheet).
Secondly you will have to link the checkbox to a macro: move your mouse over the checkbox and right-click. Select Assign macro and in the next window Edit.
You will see the macro-editor with the simple code which reads the content of the linked cell (B8) and hides the rows if B8 is false, resp. shows the rows when B8 is true. I think you can copy this yourself for any other checkboxes if necessary.
You can also find the macro when you select Macros in the Extra-menu. Or you can select the Visual Basic Editor and open the Module there.
By the way, don't mind the (maybe) weird name of the macro. That's because I'm using a Dutch version of Excel.