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VBA loop through range and hide column

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    VBA loop through range and hide column

    Note: Using excel 97/2003

    Hi there,

    this is a bit rough, but its only the second time i've tried using a loop through a range, so its as likely i'm doing something wrong there as anything else.

    Basically i want the code to go through each cell in the range "teamcheck" and hide the entire column of any cells that does not match the value output from a combo box, (typical values are "2-5", "6-8", "admin" or "SnrMngmnt".

    (owing to nature of spreadsheet, i can't switch things around and achieve this through a filter . . . . unless someone can tell me how to apply a filter horizontally through columns instead of rows?? even at that though, i'd like to know if what i'm trying to do via VBA can be done, so i can apply the logic elsewhere)

    Any help appreciated by this VBA newbie.

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    Last edited by mdoherty83; 09-19-2012 at 04:36 PM. Reason: adding the bit about excel 20003
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