*Found a solution, will post asap.
My scenario is that I will have random numbers in cell B:B, the numbers will be inputted by the user in cell B:B (the numbers may range from 1~9, 1~5, 1~3, any combination). In cell D3 the user will enter the highest range of the numbers (so if B:B contains only numbers between 1~5 the highest range can be 5 or 1, if B:B contains numbers between 1~7 the highest range can be 7 or 1, etc).
What I need to be able to do is that I want to switch numbers if the value in D3 (highest range) is other than 1, so if the range B:B contains numbers from 1~9 and the value in D3 is 9, this means the numbers have to be resorted (using column D:D). 9 will become 1, 8 will be 2, 7 will be 3, 6 will be 4, 5 will be 5, 4 will be 6, 3 will be 7, 2 will be 8, and 1 will be 9)....
To be clear (if the range in B:B was from 1~4, and the Value in D3 was 4, this means it will resort B:B in D:D changing numbers from 4 will be 1, 3 will be 2, 2 will be 3, 1 will be 4). I hope this makes sense.
If the value put in D3 is 1 the exact B:B will be copied to D:D
Any help on this will be much appreciated, my head is spinning right now trying to think how to do this... the excel file is attached here.