
I'm new to the forum and VBA. I have an Action Plan workbook that contains a list of actions on a worksheet called "Action Plan" beginning in row 6. There is data in columns A-I for each row. I would like to insert a Macro that will run when the "Action Plan" sheet is selected. If the completion date (column H beginning in line 6) is more than 30 days past the current day (which is calculated in cell I2), then I want the entire row to be copied to a sheet called "Completed" (beginning in row 6) and deleted from the "Action Plan" sheet. Some of the cells in column H do not have a date. Would it be better to add another column that calculates to "1" if the row needs to be moved? I tried copying and modifying some code I found on a similar thread but kept getting errors with the range selection. I'm using Excel 2010. I appreciate your help!