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Thanks! i just tried it in 2 ways. I created a parent Subroutine "control" that calls my subroutine "defineRanges" that populates the formula that calls the function
Sub control()
Application.Calculation = xlManual
Call DefineRanges
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
End Sub
then I also tried, just within "defineRanges" to make the Application.Calculation changes at the very beginning and at the very end.
Didn't work in either case.
then I looked into populating the value instead of the formula but from the other forums, it seems like that will just yield the same result.
i just need a way to finish running the subroutine before any of these formulas calculate.
thanks again.

I Just noticed that this actually works earlier in the code when I refer to a cell that is already populated.
the problem above occurs because i'm referring to a cell that has a validation that has not been activated (drop down)
workingColumn.Columns(9).FormulaR1C1 = "=numPortsForty(RC[-4],RC[-1])"
workingColumn.Columns(10).FormulaR1C1 = "=numPortsTen(RC[-5],RC[-2])"
workingColumn.Columns(11).FormulaR1C1 = "=numPortsHundred(RC[-6],RC[-3])"
when I try to run he subroutine, the reason it breaks is because one of my operations has an error from referring to the empty cell.
I will try to get the validation to populate a default value so I can move forward.