I have a fairly long procedure to update data in a table using other workbooks on a server. During that procedure, there are several logical tests that happen to make sure everything makes sense. When something seems illogical, a msgbox pops up to ask the user to chose whether to modify the data or keep the current entry. During the whole code, the ScreenUpdating property is set to false in order to hide all the data manipulation and workbooks opening and closing, but my problem is the msgboxes simply pile up on top of each other, not to mention the fact that it is difficult for the user to distinguish between a box for which he clicked on "yes" or "no", or a new box that just poped up over it.

Basically my question is: Is there a way to force a message box to close or repaint only the message box instead of turning ScreenUpdating to true and right back to false after displaying the msgbox (I think this method is a bit messy and probably not good practice).

Thank you.