
I am using a quantitaive reporting table with several hundred rows that shows (by using COUNTIFS) the number of instances across a dataset in which particular multiple conditions are TRUE. I have 5 categories with varying options or classifications under each category. In total there are 1080 unique combinations of conditions acorss the 5 categories. The ultimate output on each row is a count of the number of instances in which each combination of conditions occurs across a dataset held in the same worksheet. The vast vast majority will (and should) return a count of 0. I would like to automatically hide the rows that return a result of 0 (and unhide those rows if the result changes from 0). I realise that a simple filter can achieve this but I already have a filter applied elsewhere in the sheet (and it doesn't seem to be possible to filter multiple ranges in the same worksheet). I'm therefore looking for some VBA code that might do the job instead. My (extremely) rudimentary attempts aren't getting me far.

Grateful for any assistance that anyone can offer.