
I have a long spreadsheet with 4 columns which comes like:

Name Age Address Phone Number
M. Li 56 FL 1
J. Jones 43 NJ 2
K. Smith 52 FL 3
J. Jones 43 NJ 2

Name Age Address Phone Number
M. Li 56 FL 1
J. Jones 43 NJ 2
L. Peters 20 ND 4
A. Kate 25 SD 3

Name Age Address Phone Number
K. Car 24 FL 5

and it goes on like this.

What I would need is a macro that would look for the phone number (the forth column) and delete all the duplicates but leaves the header so that the end result would look like:

Name Age Address Phone Number
M. Li 56 FL 1
J. Jones 43 NJ 2
K. Smith 52 FL 3

Name Age Address Phone Number
L. Peters 20 ND 4

Name Age Address Phone Number
K. Car 24 FL 5

Basically what I would need is to have it delete all the duplicates except if it contains "Phone Number". I could get it delete the duplicates but am unable to add a condition to prevent it from deleting the headers (which I need so as to keep my information in block for the distribution of work).

Would be grateful if you could help.