I have the following macro that runs beautifully that replicates a sheet in my workbook and removes rows from the original sheet based on certain criteria.
I wish to amend this code so that the resulting string that remains in cells A17:A190 is effected by the following formula:
If A18 is blank then leave as blank
=IF(MID(A18,8,1)="/" then left(a18,8)+mid(a18,9,3) +1
so if there is P009959/004 in A18 the macro places P009959/005 in its place.
=IF(LEFT(A18,1)="S" then left(a18,10)+mid(a18,10,3)+1
so if there is SP0091377/001A in A18 the macro places SP0091377/002 in its place
here is my macro so far