Hi There

I have two workbooks. One is named Volumes (new) 1213.xls the other is named Volumes new (new) 1213 formula file.xls. Both workbooks contain a number of identically named worksheets (ie Total Prod; Total Sales; Total Disp....). Columns headings in Volumes (new) 1213.xls are Column G5 = Product; Column H5-BG5 = week numbers 1 - 52. Column headings in Volumes new (new) 1213 formula file.xls are Column G5 = Product; Column H5 = current week number (variable). Range H6:H1000 in each of the sheets mentioned above in Volumes new (new) 1213 formula file.xls contains sumif formula to get volume detail from another file. Once a week I would like to paste special value the result of the sumif calculations from the Volumes new (new) 1213 formula file.xls to the corresponding worksheet and corresponding week (in range H5:HBG5) in the Volumes (new) 1213.xls workbook.

The reason I want a separate workbook that contain the sumif formula is due to the fact that these formula take an age to calculate. And this happens each time I open the workbook - even I just quickly want to refer to it.

Please can I get help with the code to paste special value the range (H6:H1000) from the multiple worksheets in the formula workbook to the relevant column/week in the multiple worksheets in the other workbook which has no formulas.

Thanks very much.