I’m trying to find a way to program my race tracker and am in need of some help. I’m looking for a way to have a corresponding picture show up in a box when specific letters are entered.
For example:
If Participant# 1 does a vehicle race on Monday and gets a green – I want to be able to put the letters “MG” for Mobile Green in cell B2 and have the image in K2 automatically show in the B2 Box.
But if Participant# 1 gets Amber on a foot race – I want to be able to enter the letters “AF” and have the picture from L4 show up in the box.
I need to be able to do this for each day and each Participant with the six options set to the side (K2:M4).
I need to be able to change the name of the days without effecting the code.
I also need to be able to remove Participant from the list.
For Example:
If Participants 12 and 30 drop from the race – I’d like to able to delete their associated cells without effecting the code or conditioning. (This is not a must, but it would be nice to be able to do.)
The gray bar is a spot I am trying to leave for notes for each of the races.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any suggestions and/or Codes/Formulas are greatly appreciated.