hey all. first off, sorry if i have posted this in the wrong spot on the forums -- first post, weee!
im hoping someone here can help me with my problem. im trying to create a scheduling template for work, but im stumped on the formula to show the total hours worked by the employee.
the problem is that i need the total hours shown to NOT include the 1/2 hour lunch breaks, but the shifts that occur during the week are of different lengths (4hr, 5hr or 8.5hr(to include lunch break)) so i dont know what variable to use to subtract 30 mins from the 8.5 hour shifts and not the others... i hope that makes sense..
ive tried
where b1 is the end time, a1 the start time and i continued that for the whole week (with the respective column letters of course), then at the end i have -(1/48) to subtract 1/48th of a day (24 hours in a day, 48 1/2 hours in a day) but that still doesnt work.
i really hope all of this makes sense to whomever is reading this, and i am really hoping that someone can help me out with my problem.
thank you for reading this, and i hope to hear from someone soon