Hello All,
Newbie here. I have more than 200 csv files in a folder with names like xxxxx_1.csv until xxxxx_225.csv. Almost all csv files contain 65500 rows and 20 columns. There are several macros that run on each csv file. The information I need after the macro processing is always stored in one row from W3 to AF3 (10 columns wide) of each csv file. I used to have only 3 or 4 csv files, so I ran the macros and copied only the output results from each csv file and appended to an existing master excel file.
Now with more than 200 csv files (and more expected), this is very inefficient. Is there a way to automate the process of running the macros on each csv file, copying only what is required and appending it to an existing excel file?
(I don't know if it's important, but the output of each csv file need not be saved in the csv file itself if the process is cumbersome. I'd anyway have it in the master output excel file).
Thanks a million!