For some reason I am having a really hard time getting what I believe to be a very simple macro to run.
There is one workbook with two worksheets. First worksheet is for data entry and called “Input Data Here”. The second worksheet is a form – it takes all the data from the input page and makes it look pretty. That worksheet is called “PAR”.
The macro should do 3 things
1. Duplicate “PAR” until the last empty row on the “Input Data Here” tab. I thought I had this working with the below code, but now I'm getting a 424 error - Object Required
Dim rngName As Range
Set rngName = Worksheets("INPUT DATA HERE").Range("A1")
Do Until rngName.Value = ""
Sheets("PAR").Copy After:=Sheets(6)
2. Change a formula in cell X8 on “PAR” to advance to the next row on “INPUT DATA HERE”. The formula in the first worksheet is ='INPUT DATA HERE'!A2 – with each new copied worksheet I want it to advance one row.
3. Rename the worksheet to a cell reference. I think I have that working with this code, but don’t know for sure because I can’t get steps one and two to work correctly so I keep getting the error that says I can’t have duplicate sheet names.
ActiveSheet.Name = Range("a15").Value
Any help is much appreciated.