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Macro, VLOOK, or "IF" formula?

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  1. #1
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    Macro, VLOOK, or "IF" formula?


    I am the epitome of "novice" when it comes to this. I have spent way too many hours on this, hopefully a master can assist. I have attached an example.. the true sheet has 200+ columns & 450 rows.

    Here's what I need:
    1) move specific data from sheet 1 to sheet 2 in vertical format - based soley on cells H8:FU450 (must be filled and greater than $0.00).
    2) data moved to sheet 2 vertically:
    -- Activity ID (column C)
    -- Vendor ($E3$)
    -- Market (H6-H200)
    -- Price (if not blank & greater than $0.00)

    If an "IF" formula is best, how do format it so it doesn't enter a "FALSE" and simply moves to next row?

    I want a Macro to perform this, but I've failed miserably. I'm throwing int the towel & seeking assistance.

    Any guidance is greatly appreciated!


  2. #2
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    Re: Macro, VLOOK, or "IF" formula?

    Could you update your sample workbook to reflect what you would like the outcome in VERTICAL to be?
    I'm a litte confused as to the market.


  3. #3
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    Re: Macro, VLOOK, or "IF" formula?


    Thank you for responding. Attached is another file with a few edits.

    Basically, I want sheet2 to pull data from sheet1 soley based if cells H13-K15 (in the sample) are not blank or greate than $0.00. I set formulas in sheet 2 columns to describe what I need. I'm hoping to avoid the formula approach as there will be over 72,000 data points!

    In sample doc:

    Sheet 2 has four columns:
    1) ID - if H8-H15 have values greater than $0.00, paste corresponding C data (C8-C15)
    2)Vendor - if H8-H15 have values greater than $0.00, paste $E10$
    3) Market- if H8-H15 have values greater than $0.00, paste corresponding Market above (H6-K6)
    4) Price - if H8-H15 have values greater than $0.00, paste it.

    I hope this clarifies things for you. I'd like to make it as easy as possible to understand since you're being kind enough to give me a hand.


  4. #4
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    Re: Macro, VLOOK, or "IF" formula?

    Hello there,

    I think I understand what you are trying to do so here goes a shot at it.

    Attached is your original workbook updated to include a macro that I believe accomplishes what you are looking for. To run the macro, open the workbook, press Alt+F8, select the CopyInfoToSheet2 and select the Run option.

    To view the code press alt+F8 and select the macro and select the Step Into option. This will pull up the code. Anything that appears in green is a comment meant to help you understand.

    Let me know if this works for you!


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  5. #5
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    Re: Macro, VLOOK, or "IF" formula?


    Thank you so much! I'll take a look & see if it works (I'm sure it will). I'll let you know.


  6. #6
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    Re: Macro, VLOOK, or "IF" formula?


    That macro worked wonders in the sample file, but when administered to the "real" file, things went haywire. I changed a couple cell #'s, but that's it. I can't figure it out.

    I think the problem may lie within this string: (I'm not clear as to what the "6" refers to)
    'cell in column C of the first empty row is equal the value in the cell whose
                    'range is row 6 and the current cell in the loop's column
                    .Range("C" & LR2).Value = Cells(6, c.Column).Value
    Sub Verticaldatatosheet2()
    Dim c As Range, LR As String, LR2 As String 'declare variables
    Sheets(1).Select    'select the first worksheet in the workbook
    LR = Sheets(1).Range("A408").End(xlUp).Row 'set LR equal to the last row in column A that contains a value
    'loop through cells in the first worksheet in the workbook
    'cells H15 through FU and row LR (defined above)
    For Each c In Sheets(1).Range("H15:FU" & LR).Cells
        If c.Value <> 0 Then    'if the value in the current cell in the loop is not 0 then
            With Sheets(2)  'with the second worksheet in the workbook
                LR2 = .Range("409").End(xlUp).Row + 1 'set LR2 equal to the first empty row in column B
                    'cell in column A of the first empty row is equal to the current cell in the loop's value in column C in sheet1
                    .Range("A" & LR2).Value = Range("C" & c.Row).Value
                    'cell in column B of the first empty row is equal to cell E3 of sheet1
                    .Range("B" & LR2).Value = Range("E3").Value
                    'cell in column C of the first empty row is equal the value in the cell whose
                    'range is row 6 and the current cell in the loop's column
                    .Range("C" & LR2).Value = Cells(6, c.Column).Value
                    'cell in column D of the first empty row is equal to the current cell in the loop's value
                    .Range("D" & LR2).Value = c.Value
            End With
        End If
    Next c  'move to next cell in the loop
    End Sub
    Here's how the 2nd sheet looks now:

    Company ABC, Inc. $1.00
    1.000 Company ABC, Inc. $1.00
    Company ABC, Inc. $1.00
    1.000 Company ABC, Inc. $1.00
    Company ABC, Inc. $1.00
    1.000 Company ABC, Inc. $1.00

    Compared to the correct layout you supplied earlier:
    1.000 Vendor, Inc. TX, Houston $1.20
    1.000 Vendor, Inc. TX, Houston $1.20
    1.000 Vendor, Inc. UT, Ogden $1.20
    1.000 Vendor, Inc. AZ, Phoenix $1.20
    1.000 Vendor, Inc. CA, San Diego $1.20
    2.000 Vendor, Inc. TX, Houston $2.60
    2.000 Vendor, Inc. UT, Ogden $2.30
    2.000 Vendor, Inc. AZ, Phoenix $2.30
    2.000 Vendor, Inc. CA, San Diego $2.30
    3.000 Vendor, Inc. TX, Houston $10.25
    3.000 Vendor, Inc. UT, Ogden $10.30
    3.000 Vendor, Inc. AZ, Phoenix $9.98
    3.000 Vendor, Inc. CA, San Diego $12.00

  7. #7
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    Re: Macro, VLOOK, or "IF" formula?

    Could you do me a HUGE favor? I found out when I went in to edit the macro in Jackdaddy0711.xlsm that those edits save & I am unable to view your original masterpiece. Could you please include the code in the reply. I've nearly cracked it but need to refer back to the good version.

    BTW, I figured out the "6" reference

    Thanks, you have helped me enormously!

  8. #8
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    Re: Macro, VLOOK, or "IF" formula?

    Here is the file reattached.

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