I can't figure it. For over a year I've been using this line of code with no problems:
Lastcol = Sheets("FY12 Running History").Range("A3:A14").End(xlToRight).Offset(0, 1).Column
Now I've just added a new sheet for FY13, and changed the code to
Lastcol = Sheets("FY13 Running History").Range("A3:A14").End(xlToRight).Offset(0, 1).Column
I've verified that name is right by copying the tab name and pasting it into my code. But when I try to run my code, I get a run-timm 1004, Application Defined or Object Defined error. I try it on my FY12 sheet, it works fine, on my FY13 it bombs. After that happend and I couldn't figure it, I deleted my F13, copied my FY12, changed FY12 to FY13, and it bombed again. What gives?
Help, please!