I'm new to writing code in excel and don't have a lot of time to learn. I need to write code for the following. Please help.
I would like to generate random math questions in excel that appear for a few seconds then disappear for a few more before the next problem appears on the screen. Each new question appears with a sound "bing". The questions and answers get recorded where they can’t be seen (so the questions can be marked afterward). I need to be able to say how many questions I want, how long they appear on the screen, how long before the next question appears, how many digits the first number is and how many digits the second number in the question is and what type of math operation is required.
For example: I want to generate 10 random multiplication problems where the first number is three-digit and the second is one-digit. (e.g. 357x4). I want the question to appear for five seconds and then disappear for 20 before the next question appears. Here are the variables with their values:
- Number of questions = 10
- Type of operation = multiplication (select from drop down: multiplication, addition, subtraction, division)
- Number of digits in first number = 3
- Number of digits in second number = 1
- Seconds to show question = 5
- Seconds to hide questions = 20
Of course these variables would change as students become quicker or require more difficult problems. A number in the operation could also be fixed. For example, first number is a random two-digit number and the second is always 7.
No question should appear twice. Questions should be large enough to see on a screen from the back of a classroom.
I know I'm asking for alot, but if you could help me out, I'd be very grateful!