Good day,
I would like some assistance. Please see the attached spreadsheet.

Open VBA, look at the Glass form, on the Roof tab. There I have a roof type combo box where you can select the two values 'Metal Sheeting ' and 'Clay tiles'.
now have a look at the spreadsheet, the 'tables' sheet

When the "metal sheeting" is selected, table 8 is applicable, and if Clay Tiles are selected, Table 9 is applicable.

Now, for example, when "Metal sheeting" is selected, it must look at the climate zone value (showclimatezone TextBox), and according to that values it must return the R values to the textboxes on the Glass form (Roof tab) textboxes already provided for.

A working example would be:
a 'Sheet metal' roof in Zone 3 will return the value of cell D59 to RoofRV, D60 to CeilingRV and D61 to InsRV

Any help will be appreciated!


JakesFenestration CalculatorV1.1.xlsm