Try this. Hard code the names where indicated surrounded with quotes as in "Fred". Add another Case for an additional name together with a wsheet or delete as appropriate.
Sub CopyNameRows()
Dim rng As Range, tbl As Range
Dim nLastRowA As Long
Dim nFirstRow As Long
Application.EnableEvents = False
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
nFirstRow = 2
nLastRowA = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set tbl = .Range(.Cells(nFirstRow, "A"), .Cells(nLastRowA, "A"))
For Each rng In tbl
Select Case rng
Case ''Name1
rng.EntireRow.Copy Sheets(2).Cells(rng.Row, "A")
Case ''Name2
rng.EntireRow.Copy Sheets(3).Cells(rng.Row, "A")
Case ''Name3
rng.EntireRow.Copy Sheets(4).Cells(rng.Row, "A")
Case ''Name4
rng.EntireRow.Copy Sheets(5).Cells(rng.Row, "A")
Case ''Name5
rng.EntireRow.Copy Sheets(6).Cells(rng.Row, "A")
Case ''Name6
rng.EntireRow.Copy Sheets(7).Cells(rng.Row, "A")
Case ''Name7
rng.EntireRow.Copy Sheets(8).Cells(rng.Row, "A")
Case ''Name8
rng.EntireRow.Copy Sheets(9).Cells(rng.Row, "A")
Case ''Name9
rng.EntireRow.Copy Sheets(10).Cells(rng.Row, "A")
Case ''Name10
rng.EntireRow.Copy Sheets(11).Cells(rng.Row, "A")
Case ''Name11
rng.EntireRow.Copy Sheets(12).Cells(rng.Row, "A")
Case Else
End Select
Next rng
Application.EnableEvents = True
End With
End Sub