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Problems with indicies in For loops, it works with integers but not the index.

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  1. #1
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    Problems with indicies in For loops, it works with integers but not the index.

    I am using vba code to reset my equations in my spreadsheet. The equation is just pulling data from another worksheet, and every once and a while, I have more data one day than the day before. I created a for loop to loop through all of the cells to update the data to have the correct row number from the other spreadsheet. I created 2 functions, one that is matchEff2, which finds a value in the active sheet, and returns the column number from where the data is, and the second which converts that number to a letter.

    I have created this for loop, and it runs when I only have one or two nested functions using the index, but with three nested loops it gives me a runtime error 91. I have used the same line of code and susbtituted an integer in, and it runs as I expected it would.

    Currently, I have tried slowling building up the nested loops, to see when I get the error, and I have tried using integers instead of indices as my solutions. I currently have a few debug.print to verify the information that I am putting into the loops.

    If Range("L5").Value <> Workbooks("UH-60M Hours.xlsx").Worksheets("UH-60M Pivot").Range(ConvertToLetter(matchEff2(Workbooks("UH-60M Forecast.xlsm").Worksheets("Pos 01M").Range("L1"))) & matchAOS(Range("B5"))) Then
        For j = 12 To 35
            For i = startRow - 1 To lastRow - 1
                Range(ConvertToLetter(j) & i).formula = "='[UH-60M Hours.xlsx]UH-60M Pivot'!" & ConvertToLetter(matchEff2(Range(ConvertToLetter(j) & "1"))) & i + 1
            Next i
        Next j
    End If

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Tinbendr's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with indicies in For loops, it works with integers but not the index.

    I get the error, and I have tried using integers instead of indices

    Dim your counters as long. Integers only go to 32767, whereas type Long is 2,147,483,647.

    Dim j as Long
    dim i as Long
    (*) Reputation points appreciated.

  3. #3
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    Re: Problems with indicies in For loops, it works with integers but not the index.


    I just tried that, and the result was that is does work with my functions that convert integers into letters. Unfortunately there are places where the object going into the function is an integer, and not a long. Is from values within my spreadsheet.

    Any other thoughts?


  4. #4
    Forum Expert Tinbendr's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with indicies in For loops, it works with integers but not the index.

    You've only showed us what does work. Show us what does not work.

  5. #5
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    Re: Problems with indicies in For loops, it works with integers but not the index.

    The posted code does not run, I get the runtime error 91 when going through the code. Since the last post I have determined that it runs through the first column, but does not continue on to the next column. The only time i have been able to make it continue through the loop is when I replaced the last j with an integer as seen below, when ConvertToLetter(12).

    Range(ConvertToLetter(j) & i).formula = "='[UH-60M Hours.xlsx]UH-60M Pivot'!" & ConvertToLetter(matchEff2(Range(ConvertToLetter(12) & "1"))) & i + 1

  6. #6
    Forum Expert Tinbendr's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with indicies in For loops, it works with integers but not the index.

    Let's see the function you're using to convert this.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with indicies in For loops, it works with integers but not the index.

    You don't need the column letter function at all if you use the Cells method. You code is hard to follow, but could be rewritten something like this:

        Dim i           As Long
        Dim j           As Long
        Dim wks         As Worksheet
        Set wks = Workbooks("UH-60M Forecast.xlsm").Worksheets("Pos 01M")
        With Workbooks("UH-60M Hours.xlsx").Worksheets("UH-60M Pivot")
            If Range("L5").Value <> .Cells(matchAOS(Range("B5")), matchEff2(wks.Range("L1"))) Then
                For j = 12 To 35
                    For i = startRow - 1 To lastRow - 1
                        Cells(i, j).Formula = "=" & .Cells(i + 1, matchEff2(Cells(1, j))).Address(External:=True)
                    Next i
                Next j
            End If
        End With
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  8. #8
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    Re: Problems with indicies in For loops, it works with integers but not the index.


    I tried importing your code and using it, and I am still coming up with problems about the code going to the next column. It will adjust all of the data in the first column, but does not change the values in the subsequent columns. All help is greatly appreciated!!!!


    ---------- Post added at 08:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 AM ----------


    Attached are my functions, ConvertToLetter() and matchEff2()

    Set wks = Workbooks("UH-60M Forecast.xlsm").Worksheets("Pos 01M")
        With Workbooks("UH-60M Hours.xlsx").Worksheets("UH-60M Pivot")
            If Range("L5").Value <> .Cells(matchAOS(Range("B5")), matchEff2(wks.Range("L1"))) Then
                For j = 12 To 35
                    For i = startRow - 1 To lastRow - 1
                        Cells(i, j).Formula = "=" & .Cells(i + 1, matchEff2(Cells(1, j))).Address(External:=True)
                    Next i
                Next j
            End If
        End With
    Public Function matchEff2(effectivity As Integer) As Integer
    'Enter effectivity to determine which column that effectivity is in the hours spreadsheet
    Dim searchRange As Range
    Dim findColumn As Range
    'Determines which column that effectivity is in the buyoff hours pivot
    Workbooks("UH-60M Hours.xlsx").Worksheets("UH-60M Pivot").Activate
    Set searchRange = Workbooks("UH-60M Hours.xlsx").Worksheets("UH-60M Pivot").Range("A4:Z4")
    Set findColumn = searchRange.Find(effectivity, LookIn:=xlValues, Lookat:=xlWhole)
    matchEff2 = findColumn.Column
    End Function

  9. #9
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with indicies in For loops, it works with integers but not the index.

    You could start by globally replacing Integer with Long in your code. There are a few variables that are actually more appropriately Integers (e.g., FreeFile returns an Integer), but most will cope. And lose the ConvertToLetterfunction, permanently -- you will never need it.

    Then I suggest you spend 30 minutes reading http://www.cpearson.com/excel/debug.htm. Learn to set breakpoints, step through code, observe variable values by hovering, use the Locals and Immediate windows, ...

    There's nothing else that will improve your coding like debugging your own code.

  10. #10
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    Re: Problems with indicies in For loops, it works with integers but not the index.


    I will look into using long, but there are other parts of my code, that run, which use the ConvertToLetter(). Currently I am using 6 different debug.prints to verify the information that I am putting into my code.

    I currently have your code implemented into my macro, and it will still run just through the first column. The ways I have found to get around this are long and tedious and require verifying everytime I ran the macro.

    I have continuouly change the value in L5 to make it not match the other value, as well as changing other formulas in the loop. What I know is that it updates the first column, but does not change the next column unless I use .Cells(i+1,matchEff2(Cells(1,12))).Address... or use .Cells(i+1,j+10).Address...

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