Hi excelatlife, are you looking to copy/paste/transfer values from the csv to the master? If so, try:
Option Explicit
Sub ImportCSVsWithReference()
'Summary: Import all CSV files from a folder into a single sheet
' adding a field in column A listing the CSV filenames
Dim wbCSV As Workbook
Dim wbMstr As Workbook: Set wbMstr = ThisWorkbook
Dim wsMstr As Worksheet: Set wsMstr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim fPath As String: fPath = "C:\Users\Eddie\Dropbox\Admob pull Data\Admob pull Data(eddie)\8.17\" 'path to CSV files, include the final \"
Dim fCSV As String
Dim cSel As Range
Dim pstSel As Range, cpySel As Range
'If MsgBox("Clear the existing MasterCSV sheet before importing?", vbYesNo, "Clear?") _
'= vbYes Then wsMstr.UsedRange.Clear
Dim rCnt As Long, cCnt As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Set to false to speed up macro
fCSV = Dir(fPath & "*.csv") 'start the CSV file listing
Do While Len(fCSV) > 0
'open a CSV file
Set wbCSV = Workbooks.Open(fPath & fCSV)
Set cpySel = wbCSV.ActiveSheet.Range(Range("a3:h3"), Range("a3").End(xlDown))
rCnt = cpySel.Rows.Count
cCnt = cpySel.Columns.Count
Set pstSel = wsMstr.Range(wsMstr.Cells(wsMstr.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0), wsMstr.Cells(wsMstr.Rows.Count, cCnt).End(xlUp).Offset(rCnt + 1, 0))
pstSel.Cells.Value = cpySel.Cells.Value
Debug.Print pstSel.Address
wbCSV.Close False
'ready next CSV
fCSV = Dir
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
By the way, please note my usage of code tags around my code. See the forum rules regarding how to apply them. Otherwise, one of the moderators will get you!