Hi everybody! recently registered as I have found this board to be very useful for previous problems.
I have a problem similar to some other posts but they don't quite fit the bill for what I am trying to achieve.
I need a macro that will export a selected range of cells (cells display is result of formula) in a certain row provided a true statement is present in a particular column (cell is in the same row), it will then need to look for the next blank row in that .csv workbook as other data will be present and paste it in as a value.
The true statement that it needs to look at is in column C however columns A & B also have true/false but should be ignored.
so the logic would be thus.
will have an open Workbook (File.xls) with sheet named "Form"
will have an open .csv file named "Dump" with sheet of same name
then actions need to be:
On sheet "Form" If C11=true then copy N11:V11
paste into open .csv file "Dump" from next blank row starting at column A row 2 as row 1 will have a header
then continue through the range
if C**=false or blank then do nothing & skip to next row (there could be blank cells instead of false interspersed through column C)
continue on loop down C12 etc until C82 (C82 is the last entry in the form and it should stop looking down column C at this point)
then end with a vb message box "Transfer complete"
I have tried to nut this out but have failed at every attempt. If anyone could provide me with some help/pointers that would be great!.