I have a set of arrays(say 3 arrays) and I want to display them within a cell. My code is as below,
Sub example()
Dim Arr(3) As String
Arr(0) = "First Line"
Arr(1) = "Second Line"
Arr(2) = "Thrid Line"
Cells(1, 1).Value = Arr(0) & Arr(1) & Arr(2)
End Sub
Output: First LineSecond LineThrid Line
But the problem is I them to display them with line spacing between each array within the same cell (1,1).
My desired output:
First Line
Second Line
Thrid Line
Within the same cell(1,1)
I used Char(10), but its displaying complie error as Sub or Function not defined.
Please help me with correct code.