Holger....Wow...thanks it really does work.. thanks again.. can I ask a another one? What would be the code If i just wanted to create a backup copy in the same location with this filename --- "Myfile_08202012_backup". I don't want my active workbook to save into this backup filename as I'd like to use the code the one for "FINAL". Basically, I just need a macro the saves a backup so when I run the final one and locked the entire workbook, I know I have a backup copy which is unlocked/unprotected. Hope this is clear...
this is the code i hav
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveAs .Path & "\" & Left(.Name, Len(.Name) - 5) & Format(Date, "_yyyymmdd") & "_backup", FileFormat:=51
End With
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.Protect Password:="password"
Next ws
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveAs .Path & "\" & Left(.Name, Len(.Name) - 5) & Format(Date, "_yyyymmdd") & "_FINAL", FileFormat:=51
End With
The proplem is when it ran the Final save... the filename becomes like this "myfile_08202012_backup_08202012_FINAL.xlsx" I just need the final one say myfile_08202012_FINAL.xlsx

Originally Posted by
Hi, ironwill20,
*.xlsx will not support macros. It could be done like
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveAs .Path & "\" & Left(.Name, Len(.Name) - 5) & Format(Date, "_yyyymmdd") & "_FINAL", FileFormat:=51
End With