I am having a problem with the following macro.
Here is the scenario and what i am trying to do:
I have an excel sheet with about 7000 rows in it.
I need to copy 23 rows of data at the top of the sheet that contain formulas.
I need to paste / insert these 23 rows of data between every existing row in the sheet.
So for example
Line 1
< insert 23 copied rows here
Line 2
< insert 23 copied rows here
Line 3
< insert 23 copied rows here
Line 4
< insert 23 copied rows here
etc, etc...
My problem:
The proper rows are copied and they seem to be pasted every second row (i think) but the pasted rows are over writting the rows below them.it. Another words this isn't really inserting the rows as much as it is pasting the rows every second row and overwriting any data.
I need to fix this so that it does not overwrite anything. I want the 23 rows to be inserted between existing rows and keep all existing rows.
The code that I am using is below. I have a header row and the 23 rows I want to copy start on row A3. The first insert should be between row 26 and row 27.
Please help me fix this! Thank you in advance!