Sorry I had to post double posts. I am not sure this is Word or Excel issue:
Hello all,
I have a text file that open with Excel 2007 on daily basis. I usually use Fixed Width to add break lines and delete the ones I don’t need.
Is there a way I can use an Excel Macro that will:
1- Ask me and allow me to browse for the text file (Test.txt) to be loaded into Excel.
2- Automatically use Fixed Width.
3- Remove/Clear all Break Lines.
4- Place only these break lines in these locations:
9,16, 41, 49, 90, 106, 136, 166, 196, 226, 256 (Column 41 – 49 AS TEXTS) and the rest as General.
5- Sort the sheet: Column D Then A ascending.
Thanks so much in advance.