Want to get your question answered quickly?

Ensure your question is not too vague. Don't assume anyone is familiar with your problem. While you can upload small attachments, describe your problem in the body of the post. We are fortunate to have several Excel gurus, but few mind-readers.
On the other hand, skip irrelevant details. Be descriptive and concise. Short, direct, and to-the-point questions with apt thread titles are almost always answered promptly.
Keep the scope reasonably narrow. Questions like, "How do I set up an accounting system in Excel?" might be a long time waiting.
Explain what you've already tried. ("Calculation is set to automatic, but formulas still don't compute") so helpers don't waste your time or theirs.
Post a WORKBOOK. Nobody wants to type data from a picture or paste text from your post into a spreadsheet as a prelude to helping. To attach a file, push the button with the paperclip (or scroll down to the Manage Attachments button), browse to the required file, and then push the Upload button.
If your question has not been answered within a day, consider adding another post with any additional information you believe is relevant. If you think your post is good as is, just reply to your own thread with the words "Bump no response", which will bring it to the top of the forum.