Ok guys, I feel like this should be pretty simple. I have a column that I want to evaluate automatically to "True" or "False" as data is entered in the other columns on each row.
Column 2,3,6,7,8,9 all data validate to "Yes" or "No"
Column 3 is a user's initials "i.e. BR"
Column 4 is a user's Last Name "Johnson"
I want each cell in Column 10 to evaluate to "Complete" or "Incomplete" i.e. True or False
The Criteria for True are as follows:
1) All the cells in the same row are populated with data
2) Column 2,3,6,7,8,9 all must be "Yes"
Otherwise the Column 10 cell on the same row as the data must evaluate to "Incomplete" or "False"
Can anyone help me out with the code on this one? I'm pretty new, but I'm trying to accomplish this in the Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate(ByVal Target As Excel.Range).
Thanks in advance. It's a pretty simple spreadsheet and I feel like this should be a pretty easy macro but I'm new to this. Thanks! -El