Hi there, I have been scouting the internet and can't seem to find an answer to my query.

I have designed a worksheet for our company to input project information. Information consists of a combination text, numbers and drop down lists (data validation). The sheet includes titles (that are set to print out on every page) in rows 1-15 and data is input through columns A-T. Quantity of information input can vary from 10 rows to 5000+, hence wanting a macro to auto adjust the print area. A number of my colleagues are not very familiar with Excel, therefore I do not want to rely on them having to adjust the print area manually. Data entry starts in row 16 and I have the print area set up as A1:T9999 (input would never exceed this even on the largest projects).

I have various formulas, protections, conditional formatting, data validation and general text & border formatting in cell range A16:T9999 and other formulas I have tried keep picking these up and therefore do not find 'blank' cells as the end of the print range.

My aim is to print only up to the first blank row found, ie, once a FULL blank row is found going down the sheet, this will equal the end of the print range. Either this, or I can set a formaula all the way down column U to look for a TRUE statement (formula would be arranged to find full blank row and return TRUE or FALSE - if this would work?).

Can anybody help me out with this? If I have missed any important information, please dont hesitate to ask.

Many thanks in advance.


---------- Post added at 12:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 AM ----------

Can anybody help me out with this please? Woul really appreciate some tips