Hello all,
I am trying to figure out a way to automatically do
1) create a folder, with the name used = excel cell value in Column A.
2) automatically create a hyperlink to this folder.
The process on my excel worksheet I want to get to is as follows
1) Enter Title in Column C (example: C1 value is NAME)
2) Then cell A1 is auto-populated based on CONCATENATE of A1 and B1 (fixed content column) (example NAME_1)
AT THIS point in time, I would like to achieve GOALS 1&2 above without having to run a macro every time, with the following deliverables:
1) a new folder located on the same directory as where my workbook is located.
2) a hyperlink is generated in Column G (in our example, it would be in G1).
So far I have gotten to the point of
1) I can run a macro (either on a cell in Column A, or range within Column A) and this will generate the folders (and subfolders) indeed at the right location. This works :-)
2) then, based on the fact that the name of my folder = cell value in the same row/column A - I just type =A(x) (in our example A1) and I have a macro that automatically converts this to a hyperlink to the right location (combination of didcellchange -->convert to hyperlink). This also works :-)
I cannot take it to the next level - what I really want to do is as soon as I enter a Title in Column C, automatically, the workbook detects the change/data entry to Column C and
1) creates a folder, with name based on the concatenate entry of COLUMN A
2) creates a hyperlink to the folder in Column G
OPTIONAL Nice-to-have(s) would be
1) the macro actually giving an option to navigate to where the folders should be installed.
2) hyperlink auto-updating correctly to the correct location (now pointing always to where the current workbook is located - Activeworkbook.path) / or if a link replies with Cannot find folder in specified location, a Browser window opens to update to the correct folder location
I have a suspicion that this might be too complicated to achieve.
If anybody can help with this, I would be extremely grateful - or if you indeed think that I am far too ambitious with this, let me know. :-)
Any ideas?
Kind regards