Hi everyone,
I need some help with a question I bet most of you can answer. I've searched online for an answer but still haven't found it.
So here is my question.
I have VBA paste a formula into a cell, and it gives a #name error in Excel.
If I just copy/paste the formula or just open it and press enter, it works, so the formula is correct.
the formula is: =TEKST.SAMENVOEGEN(A11;B11;C11) (to put strings from different cells together)
This is used in a row called lRow.
the code I wrote is:
strFmula = "=TEKST.SAMENVOEGEN" & "(" & "A" & lRow & "," & "B" & lRow & "," & "C" & lRow & ")"
ActiveCell.Formula = strFmula
Maybe the error lies in using the lRow-variable?
Thanks in advance and greetings